Sycamore, GA

Bethel Mission Statement
To magnify God's name, we will make Disciples of Christ and equip them for their ministry in the church and their life mission in the world.
This mission sets the stage for every ministry, program and activity we develop, support or manage at Bethel Baptist Church. We are confident that as we work closely with Christ-followers to love God and love people, we will see a revolutionary change in our world. We are committed to this God-honoring mission.
We build upon that mission with six core values. These core values focus on members energies on developing our church family and working outside the walls of our church to minister to a hurting world. Everything we do flows out of these ore values.
We affirm the Holy Bible as the inspired infallible word of God and the basis for our beliefs. This Church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of The Baptist Faith and Message as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 1963. We voluntarily band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ personally committed to sharing the good news of salvation to lost mankind and to minister to all. The ordinances of the Church are believer's Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
Bethel Baptist Church of Sycamore, Georgia, is located in one of the most gorgeous areas of this county that God created. Bethel's history goes back to the 1800's. God blessed a group of people with the vison and they acted, bringing what God has planned to reality. Through the years, God has blessed this ministry. Over the course of these years, we understand that things have changed-the original structure, the original structure, the original congregation, the surrounding area of land and people. There is one thing that has never changed-the purpose of Bethel Baptist Church of Sycamore, Georgia, which is to bring people into a relationship with Jesus Christ and know Him as their personal Savior.
Even today, just as it was in the beginning of Bethel Baptist Church of Sycamore, Georgia, we are surrounded by people who are not aware of the sacrifice Jesus has made for us and the gift He offers to us. Many of these people are looking in the wrong places for solutions to their problems. God does not want any of these people to perish and neither do we. Here at Bethel Baptist Church of Sycamore, Georgia, we want to partner with God to make Bethel Baptist Church of Sycamore, Georgia, a church who reaches out to those who are searching and help them connect to Jesus Christ and one another.
We will be a church who impacts hundreds of lives for Jesus in the next 10 years. God has made it clear to us that we will not realize this goal if Bethel Baptist Church of Sycamore, Georgia, is merely a building in Sycamore, Georgia. Our church must not be only a building, but an expandable team of Christ followers dedicated to building genuine relationships with shared interest, and teach them about Jesus Christ.
Bethel Baptist Church of Sycamore, Georgia, will grow to where FULL TIME STAFF positions are needed, such as:
* Secretary
* Youth Minister
* Children's Minister
* Senior Adult Minister
* Family Minister
* Missions Minister
* Music Minister
* Media Minister
People in these positions will develop curriculum to train our members to be self-sufficient in becoming increasingly God-sufficient. We will empower our members to live a life of learning about God, sharing their faith, who God has made them to be, and God's plan for their lives. We will be a church who does not depend upon only Sunday messages for their weekly teaching but to study and grow throughout the week in each individual's personal relationship with God. We will keep our training fresh by utilizing guest teachers, literature, media & the arts of the gospel. We will find ways to expand the listening distance of our radio ministry. We will make sure our media ministry and music ministry have the best equipment needed to provide the world with our messages and training tools. We will seek to bless other congregations by making our training available to other churches. We will be known for having God-centered worship. We will strive for excellence in offering songs up to the Lord with Biblically sound lyrics and a musical style most attractive to those coming to pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ. Our musical style will be chosen for its effectiveness rather than for our own personal preferences.
Bethel Baptist Church of Sycamore, Georgia, will be a church where the Holy Spirit is active, and evident. Our worship services will be led and directed by the Holy Spirit.
We envision that our church will draw youth and children form surrounding areas because of the healthy Biblical teaching, directing, leading, and encouraging that we will provide to our youth and children. We envision our church reaching young families with and without children who have a desire to surround their family with other Godly men and women.
We envision our church developing a strong drama team that will provide real life reenactments of the bible and real-life challenges and experiences to our church and other churches in the community or around the world. We envision our church having a youth center built on the church property what will accommodate all needs for our youth/children and their programs.
We envision multiple buildings being built which will accommodate our growing congregation and the needs to handle all of its ministries. We will be a church who demonstrates faith in action and love for people by regularly serving our neighbors. We will help those with needs, hold each other accountable for consistently being a light for God, and find ways to naturally share our faith. We will raise leaders and organize ourselves to be able to quickly respond to emergency needs and be able to efficiently find needed skill sets for making Turner County and the surrounding communities better for having Bethel Baptist church of Sycamore, Georgia, as a neighbor.
We will be a church who is intentional about bathing all ministries in prayer. We will have a prayer team to take a lead role in all of our prayer needs. Prayer will not be an afterthought or a last resort but will be foundational to all we do. We will pray with excitement and expectations of God's response. In our prayers, we will strive to quiet ourselves and hear God's leading. By making prayer a priority, we will not lose perspective or focus. We will love people because God loves people. We will love God because of who He is and what He has done for us.
We will maintain a global perspective while impacting our community. We will raise up disciples to share their knowledge of God to our community, surrounding areas and around the world. We will send out mission teams locally and globally in the next 10 years. These teams will be well trained, have strong leadership and be able to share Jesus in a way that's relevant to the communities they go into. We will return from these mission trips with testimonies which we will share with the church to motivate, teach and encourage.
Here at Bethel Baptist church of Sycamore, Georgia, we will continue to carry on the vision of God. We will have an impact on the people of this world. Our vision will be the vision of God and not the vision of man. We will be a church led by God and Him only.
As leaders and members of Bethel Baptist church of Sycamore, Georgia, we will love one another as God loves us. As a team working together, we will bring this vision of God into reality here in Sycamore Georgia.
God Bless You.